
Self-Doubts and ITU Bogus

ITU Bogus - LeeSon Bryce

Comments: 0

  I remember reading a couple of books somewhere mentioning this specific statement, “Never compare yourself to others.” However, as a musical artist (especially in my genre), it can be pretty hard not do that. Most of us want to be rockstars in some way, shape, or form. Some make music as a hobby (no […]

I Saw Thousands of People!

LeeSon Bryce Performing on Stage

Comments: 3

It’s been a while since I been in an MLM network. MLM standing for “Multi-level Marketing”, and I gotta say, the people in them groups know how to work. I won’t go into further detail about the networks, but I sure did have a great time with the people I was with. In early January […]

Head Bruises at The Granada

The Granada

Comments: 5

If I can remember correctly, it was October of 2016. I ended up going to my first concert ever. The concert was for Hopsin, and I ended up going with 2 of my greatest friends. I was still in college, seriously ready to graduate in December of that same year. At around this time, I […]

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