Q1; First Quarter of 2023 is Already Over

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It feels like this year is going by quickly. And so much has happened in the first 3 months of this year already worldwide, I can’t even name the entire list.

But yet, we still got to keep moving. We still have 9 more months to do all of what we need to get done.

For me, I had a goal to release another 52+ songs this year; but this time through a combination of mixtapes, EPs, and singles.

However, I missed my deadline for a tape that was supposed to be released back in January. And if I don’t get my ish together, I’m going to miss my 2nd deadline in May.

In addition to that, I had 3 other non-music-related projects I needed to get done by April. I haven’t even started them yet. 

The only thing I managed to do this year so far (musically) was release 8 songs and perform at 2 shows. Which to some may seem like a lot. But to me, it’s ehh.

If you have a goal you’re trying to hit this year, you still have 9 more months to go. However, in the grand scheme of things, 9 months really isn’t that much time. 

It’s still more than enough time to completely change your life around, it just FEELS like it’s not enough time to make that drastic change. Will 9 months help you resolve that $10,000 credit debt? In 9 months, will you be making $10,000+ a month? In 9 months, will you have children??



Obviously, plenty can happen in 9 months. But if you are doing the exact same things today that you were doing this time last year, what are the next 9 months going to do?

Assuming nothing bad happens (hopefully not 🙏), are these next 9 months going to be beneficial for you, if you keep doing the exact same things with the exact same results?

I ask myself questions like these every once in a while. Last year I released 52 songs, a song a week. Even though it significantly boosted my monthly listenership, I still feel I could’ve done more. Could’ve handled it better. For example; as an emerging musical artist, social media is a huge necessity. Actually, in the modern age, it’s a vital component in your success as an artist. 

Admittedly, I am actually not a big social media person. Actually, it’s quite the opposite, I could care less about social media. I wasn’t posting every day. I would sometimes go weeks without posting. Dropping a song a week…and then failing to mention some of them via social media. If it wasn’t for music, I would go back to being faceless and do online E-com again. But, lo and behold, I like doing music too much, and I like sharing it with others as well (most times). Not taking that simple action of posting daily hindered me.

But I digress. Do what you need to get done. Today. Don’t waste another second. Otherwise, 6 months is going to go by, and you will still be in the exact same position that you are in today. A whole 5 years can go by, and you might still feel “stuck”. If you want that feeling, I’m not going to knock it. 

But if you don’t…you know what you need to do. Only 9 months left of 2023. Make it worth it.

Stay up, always,



LeeSon Bryce

Furthermore, we just released another song, this one is titled “Mesmerizing Girl”. 


Mesmerizing Girl - LeeSon Bryce


You can listen to it here; https://lnk.to/lsbmg

Thank you to those who listen, let’s keep it going



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